4 ways to secure your home

1) Try not to have anything valuable showing.

2) Appear as though you think about upkeep and security.

3) Change all doors which have glass close to the doorknob.

4) An large dog door (or cat door) can be a path into your home; secure it.




logo  | Auto Locksmith Southampton | Demob LocksmithsDemob locksmiths is a local independent company and offer a fast, efficient and professional mobile service with no call out charge.
| Auto Locksmith Southampton | Tel: 07432 050096 | https://www.demoblocksmiths.co.uk




Demob Tips: Are Your Doors and Windows Secure

Are Your Doors and Windows Secure

Ask a reviewed and qualified locksmith to audit your door and window security  (counting inside doors to conservatories and garages) to verify the all of your windows and doors have the most appropriate locks, they are in great condition, properly fitted and meet your insurance requirements



logoDemob locksmiths is a local independent company and offer a fast, efficient and professional mobile service with no call out charge.
| Auto Locksmith Bournemouth | Tel: 07432 050096 | https://www.demoblocksmiths.co.uk
